Winda Technology Limited

電話號碼: 086-0755-86128682
傳真號碼: 086-0755-86128682
聯繫人: Transon Jia
詳細地址: B-1509,East of HAI'AN KAFUNUO, Qianhai Rd,Nanshan District.
市鎮: Shenzhen, China
在線地圖: 查看大圖
CNWebDir No.LK-282628-2060
Winda Technology Limited is a high-technology company in the textile and apparel industry, specializing in develop innovative garment CAD/CAM/ERP System. The products from Winda technology is developed based on a sophisticated research team, combined by Doctors and Masters, and one excellent training team hold by training engineers with abundant experience in both manual and computer design.

Winda Garment CAD Solution includes Pattern Design and grading system, Intelligent marker system, File Format exchange system, Technical plan system, Fashion and textile design system and vector design and fitting system. Winda Garment CAM solution includes Digitizer, Pen plotter, Inkjet plotter, Flat-bed cutting plotter, Stand cutting plotter, Auto Spreading machine, Auto cutting system, etc.

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