E-Focus Industrial

網站: www.securiticn.com
電話號碼: 0086 755 836900190
傳真號碼: 0086 755 837989090
聯繫人: Barry Chen
詳細地址: 19D , Fuqiao Masion, Fuhua Road, Shenzhen
市鎮: Shenzhen, China
在線地圖: 查看大圖
CNWebDir No.LK-283348-1449
access control, time attendance system and intelligence control equipment manufacturer. E-Focus Industrial provides smart card reader, fingerprint time attendance and access control, proximity card access control, biometrics access control and time attendance, keyless access control system E-Focus Industrial Co.,Ltd, focuses on production of a wide range of innovative promotional products, its products become more and more popular. we have been exported to 18 countries and regions in Northern America, Western Europe, Australia, etc, and we have highly been praised by costomers. It has won widespread admiration, due to it's good credit and services as well.

Burglar Alarm System,Network Fingerprint Time Attendance,Fingerprint Access Control, Biometrics Access Control, Proximity Card Time Attendance,Access Control, Card Reader, Voice Burglar Alarm ,Wireless Burglar Alarm,Telephone Burglar Alarm ,GSM Burglar Alarm,Personal Burglar Alarm,Personal Reminder Alarm,Patrol System,GPS Patrol System,Offline Patrol System,Online Patrol System,Wireless Patrol System,Detector,Jammer,

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