
電話號碼: 86-518-7563988
傳真號碼: 86-518-7563188
聯繫人: w.z. sun
詳細地址: fangshan development area of donghai county
市鎮: lianyungang, China
在線地圖: 查看大圖
CNWebDir No.LK-293495-1208
lianyungag yingpuquartz factory is one of the leading manufacturers in china for quartz tube of lighting and heater purpose.With the volum production capability,advance testing equipment,and R&D ablity,the factory specialized in productions of transparent quartz tube,UV stop quartz tube,ozone free quartz tube,red blank quartz tube,milky quartz tube,quartz rod and etc. And have the ability of do further processing for quartz tube of trimming,fire polishing,bending,pinching to the demand of the customers'.

transparent quartz tube,UV stop quartz tube,ozone free quartz tube,red blank quartz tube,milky quartz tube,quartz rod and etc. And have the ability of do further processing for quartz tube of trimming,fire polishing,bending,pinching to the demand of the customers'

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