Sega Gifts

電話號碼: 0086-592-5800881/-2/-3
傳真號碼: 0086-592-5800880
聯繫人: Toby
詳細地址: 9/F., Galaxy Building, No.988 Xiahe Road
市鎮: Xiamen, China
在線地圖: 查看大圖
CNWebDir No.LK-272536-1505
Sega Gifts Co., Ltd ? a licensed manufacturer and pre-qualified, reliable suppliers of decorative products, the latest in promotional items and souvenirs, offers a range of items in bulk quantities.

China promotional items, home d?cor,garden items,seasonal gifts,Christmas gifts,Easter gifts, Halloween gifts and Valentine's gifts.customized corporate gifts, can custom build a large range of products suitable to specific needs.

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