Tiger Netcom

網站: www.tigernetcom.com
電話號碼: +86-755-2606 4414 / 2605 4346 Ext847
傳真號碼: +86-755-8622 4654
聯繫人: Ada He
詳細地址: Unit C2, 2/F, Building 2, Tian An Nanyou Industrial Park, Nanshan District
市鎮: Shenzhen, China
在線地圖: 查看大圖
CNWebDir No.LK-277496-1293
Tiger NetCom is the No. 1 leader and worldwide manufacturer of networking equipment and peripherals for the Internet. Tiger Netcom hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create Internet solutions so that individuals and companies have easy access to information?regardless of differences in time and place.

Providing IP phones, VoIP adapters, USB telephones, network routers.

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