NT Technology Co.,LTD.

網站: www.nt-technology.com
電話號碼: 86-513-85583171
傳真號碼: 86-513-85583172
聯繫人: Draco
詳細地址: zhangzhishan town
市鎮: Nantong, China
在線地圖: 查看大圖
CNWebDir No.LK-292784-1444
NT Technology Co.,LTD. founded in 1998, is the most innovative manufacturer and supplier of the composites products in China. Which located in Nantong city (major port in China). The company is in easy reach of shanghai(the largest port in China), which is on the south bank of Yangtze River. There will be a big port in this develop zone,which can reach major ports all over the world.

fiberglass grating,profile,acrylic solid surface,casting in different materials,faucet used in different places. import & export service.

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