Guangzhou Numen Leatherware Factory
Established in 1999, our factory has got more than eight years 'experiences in the field of producing leather goods.
As an export manufacturer,specialized in design, development, production leather goods.Our products include kinds of briefcase, portfolio, organizer, wallet, coin purse, card holder, shopping bags, hand bags, traveling bags, backpacks, leather crafts, etc.Currently gets more than 300 skilled workers with more than 6 workshops.The quality of good, delivery of punctual is we are always keeping all the products are under the strict quality control by our quality control department. Our quality control department gets a team of careful and able controller, from the material quality controller to finishing products controller,abey to the strictly quality contrall System.We are always to understand and meet buyers' demands.
Our products include kinds of briefcase, portfolio, organizer, wallet, coin purse, card holder, shopping bags, hand bags, traveling bags, backpacks, leather crafts, etc.