高門實業包裝有限公司/深圳市海健印刷有限公司于一九八六年投資人民幣600萬創辦,注冊資金人民幣813萬,座落在福田區八卦嶺八卦路中發大廈,從事彩盒、畫冊、海報、雜 、掛歷、說明書、不乾膠等印刷業務。并承接平面設計、包裝設計,提供從攝影至設計、制版、印刷一條龍服務 。另外我們擁有方便快捷的物流網絡系統,使交貨時間大大提前。公司始終貫徹“人才、質量、管理、服務”的方針,重視人才與質量的管理,堅持人才是企業財富,質量是企業生命,著重人力資源的的開發與利用,全面實施科學和經營管理工作,不斷提高產品質量,全心全力全面實施ISO9001質量認證體系。公司設備先進工序齊全,引進日本小森四開四色、對開五色、對開BB印刷機等先進印刷設備,并配置了齊全的加工設備,包括對開啤機、全開啤機、程式控制燙金機、程式控制切紙機、自動騎馬釘機等。形成了包裝、書刊、手袋、彩盒、商標、掛歷、臺歷等彩印加工立體化服務。通過多年的發展,公司先后與國內外等著名企業如金威啤酒、一致藥業、交通銀行、加多寶飲料、康寧醫院、康佳集團、騰訊QQ、鳳凰衛視.SGS等達成長期合作的夥伴關系,.業務蒸蒸日上,希貴司蒞臨我司參觀指導!誠信攜手,共創未來
Founded in 1986 with primary focus in packaging , printing and supply chain service. Skyview has presence in the United States, Hong Kong, Shen Zhen and Shang Hai, China.
Photography∶A state of the art photography studio provides both digital and traditional product photography。This is closely tied-in with our photo re-touching and design services
Design∶We design and manufacture point of purchase display, retail packaging , shopping cartons, corrugated pallets, shopping bags...in a variety of materials such as paper, plastic, fabric etc.
Packaging and printing manufacturing: Turnkey solutions are provided for our design clients all the way to packaging and printing manufacturing at our printing and box making facilities in Shen Zhen, China
Co-packing: For those who want retail ready shipments straight out of China, we have a perfect solution for you at our co-packing facilities.
Supply chain consulting: We help clients to look at their current packaging and logistics supply chain , and help find more effective means of material procurement, storage and handling
We communicate well with brand managers and OEM factories. Therefore we are able to provide design options emphasize the brand, selling environment, product feature, lead time considerations, in addition to packing engineering and printing requirements. From photography to design, from pre-press to printing production, we offer true turnkey packaging solutions.
TEL:(86)0755 81693646 25931949
FAX:(86)0755 82439891
[email protected]
從事彩盒、畫冊、海報、雜 、掛歷、說明書、不乾膠等印刷業務。并承接平面設計、包裝設計,提供從攝影至設計、制版、印刷一條龍服務 。另外我們擁有方便快捷的物流網絡系統,使交貨時間大大提前。