Socam Electronics

電話號碼: 86-755-83613918
傳真號碼: 86-755-83642995
聯繫人: yan chan
詳細地址: shenzhen china
市鎮: shenzhen, China
在線地圖: 查看大圖
CNWebDir No.LK-268056-1426
Socam Electronics is a professional and high technology enterprise of CCTV, Which is one of the biggest exporters and manufacturers of digital surveillance products. Our products encompass CCD cameras, All-In-One cameras, day/night cameras, dome cameras, CCD board cameras, wireless AV receivers, PC cameras and DVR board

Socam Electronics is a professional and high technology enterprise of CCTV, Which is one of the biggest exporters and manufacturers of digital surveillance products. Our products encompass CCD cameras, All-In-One cameras, day/night cameras, dome cameras, CCD board cameras, wireless AV receivers, PC cameras and DVR board

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