BILLS funeral products

網站: www.billsfuneralproducts....
電話號碼: 817 431-8200
傳真號碼: call first 817 431-8200
聯繫人: Mike Bills
詳細地址: 308 Woodland Trail
市鎮: Keller, United States
在線地圖: 查看大圖
CNWebDir No.LK-250136-2153
Funeral supply company

My associate and I want to develope a product for our industry that requires printing a card about 7 x 9.5; great quality semi gloss finish front and back, packaged with different items that will go alone with the card subject. Example: Card packaged with a beeswax candle, index cards to record recipes, picture corners to afix pictures in the card. We have about 30 different packages and card designs with different item included. We need someone to print and package each set.

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